Function of Siemens SICAM FCG Gateway for short circuit indicators

The SICAM Fault Collector Gateway (FCG) gadget gets both the heap current qualities and circulation line deficiencies by means of the SICAM Fault Sensor Indicator (FSI). The data status and occasions are communicated to the control place dependent on the IEC 60870-5-104 convention or to the Siemens FLiC administration utilizing the XMPP convention. The issue recognized by SICAM FSI is imparted to Siemens SICAM FCG Gateway by means of short-range radio (SRR) correspondence inside a distance of 100 meters. SICAM FCG gives 6 parallel data sources and 3 paired results. SICAM FCG can be arranged and analyzed locally utilizing the Web GUI by associating with a PC or PC remotely by means of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). The SICAM FCG has a plastic lodging and it is emphatically prescribed to mount it inside a metal bureau for extra assurance. The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and short-range radio receiving wire are mounted external to the metallic bureau. SICAM FSI firmware and boundaries can be refreshed from the SICAM FCG. SICAM FCG Web GUI permits you to design the boundaries, show blunder, and occasion log, redesign firmware and download the arrangement.

Functions of SICAM FCG:-

Binary Interface:

On the terminal block L, every one of the 3 parallel information sources is autonomous and has a proper edge of 8 V. On the terminal square P, 2 paired data sources have a typical root (P8, P9, and P10), 1 parallel information (P11, P12) is free. These parallel information sources have selectable limits of DC 19 V, DC 88 V, or DC 176 V. Consequently an ideal change in accordance with the pickup voltage can be put forth in the defense of expanded obstruction level. The parallel results are planned as hand-off contacts. The terminal square P has 2 hand-off yields Normally open (NO) and one hand-off yield change over (CO). The transfers can change voltages around to AC/DC 250 V and flow up to AC/DC 5 A.


SICAM FCG is a passage gadget on the correspondence network between the SICAM FSIs and the control plane. It gives interfaces and supports correspondence conventions to the SICAM FSIs (through short-range radio) and to the control place (by means of portable organizations). The entryway contains an interworking capacity for the correspondence traded between SICAM FSIs and the control community.

The different gadget correspondence interfaces and conventions are accessible for the correspondence between the SICAM FCG and the control community. SICAM FCG has an Ethernet interface that upholds the gadget definition and the checking. The correspondence interface upholds the gadget definition and the transmission of messages and estimated values. The data is communicated in messages in a got way.

GSM Module

The module upholds 4 recurrence groups: 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, and 1900 MHz.

The correspondence to the control community can be executed dependent on the IEC 60870-5-104 through web convention security (IPSec) passage and GSM. You can execute the design and nearby symptomatic remotely by means of GSM. The correspondence to the Siemens FLiC administration depends on XMPP and GSM.


Short-range Radio Module

The short-range radio module discusses straightforwardly with SICAM FSI by means of a radio connection in the permit-free 2400-MHz band and up to 100 meters. Any overhead circulation line shortcoming or other status change distinguished by Siemens SICAM FSI is imparted to the SICAM FCG through the short-range radio module.

Time synchronization

Inactivity, the gadget needs the date and time forever pertinent cycles. This guarantees a uniform time premise and a period stamp for the correspondence with fringe gadgets. 

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